Episode #108 - Azortharion & Jak: Let's Talk LEGION

Bay kicks off the "Let's Talk Legion" Alpha/Beta junket with a visit from Azortharion & AutomaticJak. These episodes will be a splash of ideas, thoughts, feedback, and insight into Legion changes for Specs.

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Live Shows air on Twitch.tv/FinalBossTV Sundays at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.

Episode 76 - Azortharion & Cliper (RogerBrown too!)

Hunters! Is it true that everything is STILL Hunter loot? We find out when Bay sits down with Azortharion <Danish Terrace the man/myth/legend/DanceGod, and Cliper <Midwinter> to discuss all things Ranged Focused. (See...see what I did there?)

Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions.  You can ask them via the website: http://finalboss.tv/askaboss/ - via Twitter: @finalbosstv  & via Twitch Chat during the After Show! If sent via email, they are used to create the show notes.

Final Boss airs on Twitch.tv/FinalBossTV every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.

During the break, RogerBrown found out that they didn't have to raid as previously planned, due to the Holiday. So...why not have him suddenly show up on the show? Why not, indeed. =]