Episode 104 - Preach & Nobbel: post-Blizzcon 2015

Coming off the BlizzCon 2015 hype, Bay sits down with Preach and Nobbel to discuss what was let loose at the convention, thoughts towards Legion, Beta on the horizon, and answer a bunch of questions submitted from the community. That of course spawned side rants and getting Ghosted. Which is totally acceptable.

Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions.  You can ask them via the website: http://finalboss.tv/askaboss/ - via Twitter: @FinalBossTV & from Twitch Chat.

If you're looking for more Warcraft Content Creators or something new! Be sure to check the new Firelord's Favored page: http://finalboss.tv/community/

Episode 103 - BlizzCon 2015 Dev Interview: Luis Barriga

Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions.  You can ask them via the website: http://finalboss.tv/askaboss/ - via Twitter: @FinalBossTV & from Twitch Chat.

If you're looking for more Warcraft Content Creators or something new! Be sure to check the new Firelord's Favored page: http://finalboss.tv/community/

Live Shows air on Twitch.tv/FinalBossTV Sundays at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.