Brewmaster Monks - Episode 17

Hello, Mobs and Minions, today Final Boss Tv finishes off the Monk class by taking an in depth look at Brewmaster Monks. Bay and Ana talk with Daught from <Midwinter> and Luun from <ScrubBusters> to get a feel for what it’s like tanking as a drunken master.

Starting off, we talk with our guests about what they do outside of playing WoW. Daught is the crazier of the two as he actually raids with two other guilds besides <Midwinter>. The man either loves raiding, or has a problem!

Moving from that, Bay asks our guests when they first started tanking, and then what made them continue tanking. Both situations are oddly similar; because no one else would tank! In a similar vein they are asked what made them switch to Brewmasters from the classes they were originally playing. Each of them felt the class was too good to pass up for their kind of progression and made the switch willingly.

With a new class comes growing pains as we’ve seen with Mistweavers and Windwalkers. Interestingly enough, Brewmasters didn’t need to be changed nearly as much as their counterparts, resulting in a very smooth tanking style. However, as with all classes there are some quality of life tweaks necessary.  Luun goes into what he feels would help the class and takes a (not so) slight jab at Death Knight tanks. Ouch!

After the break, we get into the more technical side of playing a Brewmaster. Daught explains the relationship between Chi and Energy and how it works as a tank, but it’s so simple that Bay is slightly confused that it was quite literally a 1-sentence explanation! Silly Bay. Each guest then takes turns talking about using CDs, timing Guard properly, and explaining how Stagger works. Luun then goes into a very interesting discussion about Brewmaster stats and how they pertain to tanking at that level of progression.

We finish off the show with Tips, Tricks and Secrets for Brewmaster tanks and our viewer Q&A.

As always, Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions at the end of the show.  You can ask them via the website: - via Twitter: @finalbosstv #AskABoss & via Twitch Chat during the After Show!

Final Boss airs on every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.


Mistweaver Monks - Episode 14

Welcome to the Final Final Boss episode…

…before Blizzcon.  Did I scare you?  This week Bay and Ana interview our Monk friends again, only this time they’ve decided to weave in a little Mists.  Our hosts are joined by two Mistweaver Monks that fell in love with the class in the Beta, Redfern of <Immersion> and Jaydaa of <Vigil>.

We take a look into our guests past gaming lives; what their first MMO was and what classes they first started playing.  We find out that neither of them started off as healers, but transitioned to them over time.  Redfern describes what it is he likes about healing, and how an encounter can be completely different depending on who else is in the group.  Jaydaa agrees and sums it up as “Healer vs. Raid”.

Playing a brand new class means having to deal with constant developer tweaks.  Our guests talk about how little changes here and there can make for big impacts on how they play.  And while the class as a whole is decent, there are things that need to be reworked to make for more solid game play.

We move on to a discussion about skills, mechanics, resources, cooldowns, and the Jade Statue.  A mistweaver has a kind of revolving door of resources.  Mana to build Chi, Chi to build Tea, and Tea to build Mana.  Unlike our Windwalker friends, Mistweavers don’t really have any talents or glyphs that change how they play.  The level 90 and 70 talents can change based on encounter, and there aren’t really any mandatory glyphs.

Meat and potatoes time! Our guests talk about everything healing.  They discuss AoE and single target healing and how it’s both good and problematic with smart heals, as well as how powerful it is in 10m compared to 25m.  What about a Mistweaver Monk makes it good to have one in the raid?  Aside from their constant AoE throughput, they also are capable of standing in melee and can ignore ranged mechanics.  Cheaters!

Of course, no Mistweaver discussion is quite complete without a look into Fistweaving.

We end the show with what one thing each guest would like to see changed about the class and no, Redfern, we can’t delete Priests.

Unfortunately we did not have the time to get into the community Q&A for the show proper, but stay tuned for the aftershow and you will see those questions answered.

As always, Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions at the end of the show.  You can ask them via the website: - via Twitter: @finalbosstv #AskABoss & via Twitch Chat during the After Show!

Final Boss airs on every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.


How to Walk on Wind, Monk Style - Episode 12

So, Mobs and Minions… we meet again.  This raid reset we tackle Windwalker monks with Calligraphy of <Defenestrate> and Hinalover (a.k.a. Delritha) of< Roadrunners>.  These guys talk the talk, but can they Windwalk the walk?  As an added bonus, we no longer have 8-Bit Ana.

Ah, Monks. The brand new and shiny class of the expansion.  Calli and Hina dive into the growing pains of a brand new class, complete with its very own revolving door of masteries every patch!   Each guest talks a little bit about how monks work - I heard there’s some punching and kicking involved - and whether or not main swapping to a brand new class was a hard decision.

Get ready for a whirlwind (of the Rushing Jade variety) of topics, my friends. Hina and Calli discuss every little facet of being a Windwalker.  This includes abilities and what they do, resources and how they work, cooldowns or lack thereof, raid utility (no, WWs do not have good offhealing utility), talents and switching ALL the things on a fight-by-fight basis, single target DPS, cleave DPS, Storm Earth and Fire, and the effects of Haste on the rotation – including whether 6k or 9k haste is better to have.

And of course, no Windwalker discussion is quite complete without a thorough beating of Fists of Fury.

Tune in next week for our interview with Alex from FatBoss TV!

As always, Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions at the end of the show.  You can ask them via the website: - via Twitter: @finalbosstv #AskABoss& via Twitch Chat during the After Show!

Final Boss airs on every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.
