FinalBossTV #136 | Legion Resto Druids | Torty & Leaf
/Torty and Leaf guest to discuss Restoration Druids in Legion.
Current state in Patch 7.2, Tier 20, and lots of resources.
Torty and Leaf guest to discuss Restoration Druids in Legion.
Current state in Patch 7.2, Tier 20, and lots of resources.
We got there! Tell Reddit. Episode 100 of the show timely wraps up all the Ketchup Junket with the last Healers that are on the docket. Elemental Healers include Restoration Druids, Mistweaver Monks and Restoration Shaman.
Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions. You can ask them via the website: - via Twitter: @finalbosstv & via Twitch Chat during the After Show! If sent via email, they are used to create the show notes.
Final Boss airs on every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.
Prepare yourselves, Mortals. Hopefully you don't have a problem with salt with a side of rage because when Affinity & Jarre start discussing the healing meta, absorb scaling and the state of the Restoration gets a little messy. Within reason of course and pretty damn well justified too! See for yourselves.
Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions. You can ask them via the website: - via Twitter: @finalbosstv & via Twitch Chat during the After Show! If sent via email, they are used to create the show notes.
Final Boss airs on every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.
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