Episode #111 - Dayani & Teodin: Let's Talk LEGION IV

Volume IV "Let's Talk Legion" Alpha/Beta junket ft. Dayani & Teodin. Resto Shaman and Holy Pally. These episodes are a splash of ideas, thoughts, feedback, and insight into Legion Spec changes.

Episode 75 - Shuttle & Relil

Holy Paladins bring your Double Beacons & Heal all the things! Shuttle <Midwinter> (formerly Blood Legion) along with Relil <Ascension> sit down with Bay to discuss all things Holy Paladin, talents, how mandatory they think they are and how the healers/healing meta is shaping out so far, in Warlords of Draenor.

Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions.  You can ask them via the website: http://finalboss.tv/askaboss/ - via Twitter: @finalbosstv  & via Twitch Chat during the After Show! If sent via email, they are used to create the show notes.

Final Boss airs on Twitch.tv/FinalBossTV every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.