Mobs and Minions can rest assured that The Firelord and his majordomo did not need to skymirror Ana twice over to get guests for the retribution paladin episode.
This week's "retribution ride" features the world-class Morgeine of <Envy> and forum-frequenter Bear of <Ninth Order>. Bay and Ana note how there are so many EU guilds killing heroic Garrosh, as <Ninth Order> is EU 82nd where Ana's <Something Wicked> for example is US 34th.
After discussing the big IRL changes to come for each guest, we move on to talk about how retribution paladins stand apart from other DPS specs. Bear refers to himself as a paladin, not just retribution, for both guests agree that a ret pally is brought to raid not for his astounding "meter-maiding" DPS but for the plethora of raid utility that resides in the paladin class toolkit.
We know that warlocks are better, but don't think that the three-tribution paladins on this show will leave all the mobs and minions hanging when it comes to better retribution DPS. You'll hear about what 40% haste does to mastery, how a glitch like ability lag can turn an inferior stat build into viable, and that simming it really is the answer to everything.
Ana leads into talent choice discussion with the unfortunate evolution of the level 15 speed boost talent tier from cool choice to boring default. Does the level 75 talent tier have only one purposeful choice? Does Execution Sentence leave the rest of the level 90 talent tier dead for choice? What abilities should be nixed in Warlords of Draenor? Well, we mean other than Guardian of Kings, Ana.
Packed with pally pride, it's all inside Episode #32: The Wrath of Retribution.
As always, Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions at the end of the show. You can ask them via the website: - via Twitter: @finalbosstv #AskABoss & via Twitch Chat during the After Show!
Final Boss airs on every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.
- Poneria