Episode 50 - WoW Trivial Pursuit

Welcome back Mortals, Mobs & Minions to Rounds 3 & 4 of World of Warcraft Trivial Pursuit!

Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions at the end of the show.  You can ask them via the website: http://finalboss.tv/askaboss/ - via Twitter: @finalbosstv #AskABoss & via Twitch Chat during the After Show!

Final Boss airs on Twitch.tv/FinalBossTV every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.

Episode 34 - WoW Trivial Pursuit

Mobs and Minions, get your meta gems socketed and helm enchants on, because it's time to break out the brains. Grab your nearest friend to complete our FinalBoss raid and play along with episode 34's Trivial Pursuit event!

This week, six familiar faces pair off with Bay and Ana into four teams to trek around the board. Alex and Loz of FatBoss form the entire blue team, and Nobbel pairs with Letomi on the green team. Ana picks her class color to go with Elvine's gnomish hair -- except Elvine himself doesn't have pink hair. Last but not least bearded: Bay teams up with Brutal to complete epic team purple.

The rules are tweaked for FinalBoss: no team can go more than twice in a row and getting to the center means chat picks your category. The time limit for each question soon became to guess before chat caught up with a flood of the correct answer. 

Don't be pink with embarrassment -- the only celebrity class I could remember was Ozzy the warlock, because really, who cares about mohawks and hunters. Orange'cha glad you play to defeat encounters?! Lady RNG is particularly cruel about handing a raid encounter question to a raider. Just don't let your egotistical cores get corrup-- errr, what? It's a tainted core? Aww, fffffffff.

Unfortunately watching the cinematic in your head for the chat-chosen, yellow-sliced answer just leads to Aggravation when you can't hear her say Thrall's name. Nobbel might have footnotes on every lore question, but it's on the green villainous slices that the rest of the pursuing gang overthinks. Does the question want the kal'dorei, the quel'dorei, or the sin'dorei? What's the difference between all the orc skin colors? 

Don't be blue -- people mix up what's a Valley and what's a Vale all the time. It'll be OK, Horde players, we forgive you for going for the red-named isle over the blue-named draenei starting isle. Finally, killing a raid boss doesn't guarantee you'll get loot and raiding likewise doesn't guarantee you'll get the purple slice loot questions right! Even if you can't remember what your class's tier 10 was called, the Ashbringer most definitely belongs to ... we're sorry, Loz, that answer was so terribly Thunderwraang. 

As always, Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions at the end of the show.  You can ask them via the website: http://finalboss.tv/askaboss/ - via Twitter: @finalbosstv #AskABoss & via Twitch Chat during the After Show!

Final Boss airs on Twitch.tv/FinalBossTV every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.

- Poneria

Halloween Special w/Alex of FatBossTV - #13

Hello and welcome to the 13th Episode of Final Boss! We have a slightly different show format in store for you Mobs and Minions, but it is no less entertaining than our previous! Today our Hosts get all costumed up – Much to Ana’s surprise! – and chat with Alex from Fat Boss.  Loz unfortunately couldn’t make it, but Alex more than made up for it.

Alex first talks about what’s been going on in his life.  He and his brother are just now finishing up what they call Guide Season; the time of the expansion where they race to push out both normal and heroic guides for all the 10 man encounters.  Outside of that, he plays League.  A LOT of League.

With an off-the-beaten-path turn, Alex talks about when he started playing video games, what his first console was, what his first MMO was, and how much his brothers impacted what he played growing up.  Ana and Bay chime in with their first MMO experiences as well. 

Getting back on track, Alex recounts the tale of how he got started in WoW (older brother strikes again!) and how he nearly stopped playing for good.  (Thanks, Beth’tilac!)  Fortunately for the rest of us, he picked it back up again.

Alex finally answers… “Why Fat Boss?”  You won’t believe where the name came from!  The show then goes into how Fat Boss started and what exactly Alex did that made him realize that he should make guides for 10 man heroics.  It definitely wasn’t smooth sailing from the start and it took them a while to find their style.  And of course, we had to ask about the 60-second Guides.  If you have never watched them, you definitely should!

Finalizing the show, Alex talks about what he and Loz learned about the system with creating videos for Youtube and how to get into becoming a content creator.

As always, Final Boss and its guests love to answer community questions at the end of the show.  You can ask them via the website: http://finalboss.tv/askaboss/ - via Twitter: @finalbosstv #AskABoss& via Twitch Chat during the After Show!

Final Boss airs on Twitch.tv/FinalBossTV every Sunday at 1pmPST/4pmEST/10pmCET.


P.S. Corgis!